Southwest Dental LLC

Is there a Connection Between Your Oral and Overall Health?

Table of Contents

5 Benefits of Dentures in Taylorsville at Southwest Dental

Dentures can be life-changing when it comes to maintaining oral health and reclaiming a confident smile. Missing teeth can impact not only your appearance but also your ability to eat and speak comfortably. But thanks to modern advancements in dentistry, dentures in Taylorsville provide a reliable and affordable solution for

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Your Dentist in Taylorsville at Southwest Dental

Finding the right dentist is about more than routine checkups – trust, quality care, and a relationship built over time. At Southwest Dental in Taylorsville, we’re proud to have served our community for over 40 years, offering exceptional dental care to patients of all ages. For many families, this means

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Foundations of Oral Health Care

Taking care of your mouth doesn’t have to be difficult–but NOT taking care of your mouth can lead to tooth erosion, cavities, and other dental emergencies. To prevent the expense, pain, and annoyance of these problems, make sure your daily dental routines are ship-shape. Brush Your Teeth: Brushing your teeth

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It’s very important to take good care of your oral health, especially because your oral health can be connected to your overall body, according to studies and research. So, if you have unhealthy teeth and gums, you could increase your chances of suffering other health issues, like:

Diabetes: People with diabetes have an increased risk of falling victim to gum disease. According to researchers, this is the case because the medical condition reduces the body’s ability to resist and fight infection.

Heart disease: Heart disease and stroke oftentimes affect people who have moderate to severe gum disease. However, there is no proof that cardiovascular disease causes gum disease and vice versa. But, the risk factors for both conditions are the same, like tobacco use, excessive alcohol use, and poor nutrition.

Kidney disease: If the kidneys don’t function properly, it can cause chronic bad breath and dry mouth. This is because the by-products of incomplete protein breakdown are released.

Anxiety: Anxiety can affect the oral health by altering the immune system. This can result in your oral bacteria creating gum disease. Another way anxiety can affect your oral health is by promoting bruxism, which is also known as teeth grinding. This can result in chipped and fractured teeth.

As you can see, your overall body and oral health can be connected in many ways. This is why it’s important to take good care of your smile each and every day. You can do so by keeping up on oral hygiene. That consists of brushing your teeth every morning and every night, flossing your smile once a day, rinsing your mouth daily, and visiting one of our experienced dentists, Drs. Victor Pickett, Nick Rudelich, Curtis Condie, Michael Loeser, and Luke Rudelich, every six months.

For more information and details about your oral health in [city], [state], please remember that you can always call [practice_name] at [phone] at your earliest convenience. We are happy to help you!

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