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Southwest Dental LLC

Foundations of Oral Health Care

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Foundations of Oral Health Care

Taking care of your mouth doesn’t have to be difficult–but NOT taking care of your mouth can lead to tooth erosion, cavities, and other dental emergencies. To prevent the expense, pain, and annoyance of these problems, make sure your daily dental routines are ship-shape. Brush Your Teeth: Brushing your teeth

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All About Your Toothbrush

Out of all of the things in your house, you would think that your toothbrush is the least intriguing item. Actually, the toothbrush has a unique history. People have been concerned about dental health since the dawn of humanity. That toothbrush hanging in your bathroom dates back about 5,000 years.

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Oral Health ABCs: Sugarless Chewing Gum

Did you know that chewing gum may indeed have potential benefits for your smile? According to numerous studies, chewing sugarless gum for a length of time ranging from 15 to 30 minutes can effectively prevent tooth decay and cavities. Typically, chewing sugarless gum is most effective after you have eaten

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Taking care of your mouth doesn’t have to be difficult–but NOT taking care of your mouth can lead to tooth erosion, cavities, and other dental emergencies. To prevent the expense, pain, and annoyance of these problems, make sure your daily dental routines are ship-shape.

Brush Your Teeth: Brushing your teeth is a vital part of your oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth twice daily, for 2 minutes each time. This scrapes plaque and food debris away from teeth and helps keep them clean. Brush the inside, outside, and chewing surfaces of each tooth using short, tooth-wide strokes and gentle pressure.

Floss Between Your Teeth: Flossing and brushing are inseparable. Flossing removes the plaque, food particles, and debris from between the teeth that brushing can’t reach. Use single filament floss to reduce breakage and fraying. Use a gentle sawing motion to clean between teeth down to the gum line. Use a clean section of floss for each tooth. Don’t forget to floss behind the back molars!

Mouthwash: If you choose to add mouthwash to your hygiene routine, be aware that not all mouthwashes are created equal. Choose a therapeutic mouthwash rather than merely a cosmetic one. Therapeutic mouthwashes do more than freshen breath; they actually kill the bacteria that causes halitosis, as well as cleaning teeth. Some are specially formulated to do other things as well, such as whitening teeth or fighting tartar.

For more information, call [practice_name] in [city], [state], at [phone].  Dr. [doctor_name] and our team are happy to help keep your smile bright!

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